We start the first topic "Surface Mining"
Hydraulic Mining
Mountaintop removal Mining
Open pit Mining
Placer Mining
Strip Mining
1. Choose one way of the surface mining (which you are mostly interested in), read the information about it and wach the videos.
2. Answer the following questions:
1. What did hydraulic mining originate out?
2. When and how did the modern form of the hydraulic mining appear?
3. What kind of problems appeared by the widespread use of the hydraulic mining method?
4. What machines are used in mountaintop removal mining?
5. What are the other names for open pit mining
6. What is placer mining frequently used for?
7. Can you write some examples of the types of the rock extracted from quarries?
8. What kind of rock origin can be strip mining applied to?
Surface mining is mining minerals, gemstones and rocks that are close to the surface of the land. There are different ways to do this and the mining company decides which way will cost them less money. The ways to do the surface mining are:
Hydraulic Mining
Mountaintop removal Mining
Open pit Mining
Placer Mining
Strip Mining
Video about the hydraulic mining:
Video about mountaintop removal mining:
Video about open pit mining:
Video about open placer mining:
1. Choose one way of the surface mining (which you are mostly interested in), read the information about it and wach the videos.
2. Answer the following questions:
1. What did hydraulic mining originate out?
2. When and how did the modern form of the hydraulic mining appear?
3. What kind of problems appeared by the widespread use of the hydraulic mining method?
4. What machines are used in mountaintop removal mining?
5. What are the other names for open pit mining
6. What is placer mining frequently used for?
7. Can you write some examples of the types of the rock extracted from quarries?
8. What kind of rock origin can be strip mining applied to?
1:-Placer mining is the mining of alluvial deposits for minerals is the coolest way to gold mining.
1- Hydraulic mining, or hydraulicking,uses high-pressure jets of water to dislodge rock material or move sediment.The resulting water-sediment slurry is directed through sluice boxes to remove the gold. It is also used in mining kaolin and coal.
2-Hydraulic mining can be used as an excavation technique, principally to demolish hills.
3-Hydraulic mining greatly affects the environment, it expands resla river carries tons of earth, harm agricultural and fauna of rivers.
4-Dragline, dump trucks, bulldozers, excavators and crushers.
5-Depending on the shape and position of mineral deposits on the earth's surface are five main types of open-pit
Deep type.
Nagorno-deep type.
Underwater prey.
6-Placers is extraction of alluvial deposits for minerals. This can be done by career or different surface excavating equipment or tunneling equipment.
Placers often used for precious metal deposits (especially gold) and precious stones, each of which are often found in deposits of sand and gravel in modern or ancient channels, and sometimes glacial deposits.
7-Marble, iron ore, gypsum, slag, chalk and charcoal
Sasha, thank you for your answers! You are absolutely right with some of the questions, but you should think about the 1,2,5. Try to understand them.
Delete1)Hydraulic mining originated out of ancient Roman techniques that used water to excavate soft underground deposits.
ReplyDelete2Its modern form, using pressurized water jets produced by a nozzle called a "monitor",
came about in the 1850s during the California Gold Rush in the United States.
3)Though successful in extracting gold-rich minerals, the widespread use of the process resulted in extensive environmental damage,
such as increased flooding and erosion, and sediment blocking waterways and covering over farm fields. These problems
lead to its legal regulation.
4)Dragline, dump trucks, bulldozers, excavators and crushers.
5)open-cut mining or opencast mining
7)coal, copper ore
Andrew, you are doing well with this task. How do you think, which of the machines that you wrote is the most useful in the surface mining and why?
ReplyDelete1. I consider that the most humane way of coal mining is mines, but it is characterised by pretty productivity, therefore I choose an open way of extraction from the aforesaid from for productivity and humanity combinations, in difference from explosive and hydraulic ways.
ReplyDeleteVlad, by "the most humane way" you mean the most environmentally-frienly?
ReplyDelete1. In the centre on storage and potato processing in Vajdensdorfe to clearing of a potato of impurity apply a hydraulic way. In 1985 by this way it has been cleared of impurity 13850 т a potato, average productivity of clearing has made 29 т/ч.
2. The hydraulic way of coal mining is one of perspective in this respect. It has been applied for the first time in the USSR on the Cornel colliery in 1936-1937.
3. Hydrovlichesky mining operations negatively influence environment ecology as rough streams of waters destroy earth crust with formation of ravines and sailings.
4. Bulldozers, drilling units, dump-body trucks, dredges.
5. Extraction by open way, work on career.
6. Open works on scatterings on gold mining, platinum and a tin stone in our Fatherland are applied for a long time. This branch mountain of industry has received exclusively fast development in days of Stalin five-years periods.
7. Coal, a granite, sand, diamonds, a building material, copper, gold.
8. By origin rocks share on three groups: magmatic, sedimentary and metamorphic.
Vlad, what's wrong with question 1 (both english and russian used)? Question 2 - and earlier than USSR?
Delete1)Hydraulic coal mining - a process of underground coal mining, transport and lifting to the surface using liquid jets. The source of the fluid being used inflow of groundwater into the mine.
ReplyDeleteThe results of scientific research and experimental work in the search for new methods of destruction and extraction of mineral resources, made in the Soviet Union and then in the CIS and abroad, show that, for these purposes can be effectively used high-speed liquid jet.
2)Mehanogidravlicheskaya recess can be successfully applied in the production of strong, malotreschinovatyh coals, where mechanical and gidrootboyka ineffective, and has a low power consumption. Disadvantages mehanogidravlicheskoy coal mining include: continuous contact working body combine with bottom, the complexity of the replacement of worn-out tools (teeth), the limited excavation on the angle of incidence of reservoirs, performance vs. abrasive rock.
3)Though successful in extracting gold-rich minerals, the widespread use of the process resulted in extensive environmental damage,
such as increased flooding and erosion, and sediment blocking waterways and covering over farm fields. These problems
lead to its legal regulation.
4)Dump trucks, dragline, bulldozers, crushers, excavators.
5)Open-cut mining or opencast mining
7)Coal, copper ore
Thanks all the participants for the answers. Keep on our communication :)
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ReplyDelete1.The essence of the hydraulic method consists in the fact that the water under high pressure, blurring the breed, separates from her minerals
ReplyDelete2.application: as an independent way of development of the fields; in combination with the subsequent leaching underground in sand-clay and clay permeable sediments; to increase the efficiency of underground leaching in the body of minerals with the lack of natural permeability; for intelligence (testing) alluvial and alluvial deposits in complicated mining and geological conditions, allowing to increase reliability of geological data and raise large technological tests
3.in such a production cause problems such as flooding,washing away of the earth's crust of ravines,change the course of rivers and so on
4.use this technique as,tractors,dump trucks,excavators,loaders,drilling rigs
5.open mining job,career
6.development of deposits is the most common, way of providing maximum completeness of excavation of mineral resources, safety of work, the ability to use powerful, high-performance technology. Is usually at a depth of alluvial to 12-50 m. Depending on the type of equipment used in the preparation and production work, there are options open alluvial deposits development: bulldozer, excavator, excavation and bulldozer, scraper development
1)Hydraulic mining originated out of ancient Roman techniques that used water to excavate soft underground deposits
ReplyDelete2)Its modern form uses the pressurized water flows made by "monitor". monitor came about in the 1850s during the California Gold Rush in the United States.
3)problems of use of a hydraulic method are destruction of huge lands on which the long rekultivation is required
4)in mountaintop removal mining the following machines are used: different excavators, bulldozers, dump trucks.
5)Surface Mining, open-cast mining...
7)Coal;Granite;Gypsum;Marble;Metal ores, such as Copper, Iron, Gold
8)3 type: sedimentary, magmatic and metamorphic rock