Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Rocks, minerals, gemstones mined with surface mining

The dictionary says that a mineral is:  “a naturally occurring … solid substance having a definite chemical composition and characteristic crystalline structure, color, and hardness.” [American Heritage Dictionary]  This means that minerals are formed by nature and are solid.  They are made up of chemicals that form crystals. They are identified by the characteristics that are in all pieces of the same mineral, no matter where it's found.  Some minerals have just one mineral in them, like gold. 

These are called elements and are on a list called The Periodic Table of Elements

Use these links to read the texts about minerals:

Common minerals and metals: uses and importance
The Earth - nature's storehouse
People and Earth's minerals
Dynamic Earth


Here you should publish the information about the rocks, minerals or gemstones that are mined with surface mining. You should describe the mineral characteristics and your experimental data.

For example:

Mineral characteristics
Mineralogists views
Your conclusions
Chemical Symbol
It has aluminum, beryllium, and oxygen in it. 
Green or red
In sunlight/fluorescent light the stone is green.
In regular light bulb light or candlelight, the stone is red.
When the stone is rubbed on a white plate, it leaves a white dust. If the stone is crushed, this is what color the powder would be.
Transparent to translucent
You can see through some stones and others are blurry to look through.
It shines like glass.
If you break this mineral, it will not split smoothly and evenly.  You can’t break it over and over again and get the same shaped pieces. 
The stone has a smooth, shell-like surface when it is broken.
It will not attract or be attracted to a magnet.
The stone is hard. It will scratch the streak plate that you test it on.  It would also scratch a nail!
Specific gravity
If you held it, this stone would seem a little bit heavier than its size would make you think it would be.
Crystal shape


  1. Кристаллы корунда в полевом шпате.
    Сингония тригональная
    Удельный вес
    Псевдо спайность по двойникованию
    Цвет в порошке
    Блеск алмазный

  2. Crystal system trigonal
    specific gravity
    Pseudo cleavage twinning
    Color Powder
    diamond gloss

  3. Sulphur:
    Hardness - 1,5-2,5
    Has a molecular lattice
    Absence cleavage
    Rough break and the fat shine caused by it
    On a surface of crystals glass shine
    Relative density 2,07/sm3
    Possesses bad electroconductivity
    Weak heat conductivity
    In low temperature of fusion (112,8°С) and ignition (248°С)

  4. I apologise, has not noticed that is necessary jewels

  5. Aquamarine:
    a) mineral blue or bluish-green color, painted aquamarine usually evenly, but in some crystals observed zonal distribution of color
    b) the hardness of 7.5-8 (Mohs)
    c) the density of 2.75, but in spite of its hardness, aquamarine fragile and light,
    d) transparent mineral, translucent, refractive 1,56-1,60,
    e) the brilliance of glass, uneven to conchoidal fracture, cleavage imperfect, often noticeable transverse jointing, the hexagonal crystal system occurs as hexagonal prisms.

  6. Vlad write please are the materials which you descibed mined with surface mining?

    1. Aquamarine is mined from pegmatites. A pegmatite is mined by open-pit mines.

  7. magnetite
    formula Fe3O4
    cubic crystal system
    Iron-black color
    Black color features
    Metallic luster
    transparency is opaque
    Hardness of 5.5 - 6
    Cleavage is a very imperfect
    fracture conchoidal
    Density of 4.9 - 5.2 g / cm ³
    The crystals of the cubic system (spinel). Color black. Gloss usually metal, but sometimes it is fat-tar or matte. Opaque. The hardness of 5.5-6. The density of 4,9-5,2. Sometimes there is an imperfect cleavage. Fracture conchoidal or uneven-step.
    The powder is slowly soluble in HCl.
    Has strong magnetic properties. Can change the compass. On this basis it can be found: the compass needle points to the magnetite and its deposits.
    May deteriorate in the sand, which does not lose magnetic properties. When brought near the magnet magnetitny sand attracted to the poles of a magnet.

  8. Blende
    formula ZnS
    Admixture of Fe, Cd, In, Ga
    The cubic crystal system
    Yellow, red-orange, green-yellow, gray, dark gray, almost colorless
    Color features yellow to light brown
    Diamond gloss
    Transparency is transparent, translucent
    Hardness of 3.5 - 4
    Perfect cleavage
    Fracture uneven, very fragile
    Density of 4.08 - 4.10 g / cm ³
    The refractive index of 2.368 - 2.371
    Tetrahedral crystals. Birefringence and no pleochroism, dispersion 0.156. Luminescence is usually yellowish-orange, sometimes red, sometimes absent. Line absorption spectrum: 650, 665, 651 nm. Sphalerite structure was established by X-ray diffraction of the first one. composition (%): Zn - 67,1; S - 32,9.
    Processed and polished with great difficulty because of the fragility and perfect cleavage in three directions. At first glance faceted sphalerite can be confused with gemstones yellow.

  9. Cinnabar-HgS
    Crystal system Trigonal
    Color red, brown, gray
    Color features bright red
    Diamond Gloss or dim
    Transparency is opaque, translucent in thin cleavages
    Hardness 2 - 2.5
    Perfect Cleavage
    Fracture uneven, staggered, brittle
    Density of 8.0 - 8.2 g / cm ³
    The refractive index of 2.91
    The most common mineral of mercury. Has scarlet coloring on freshly cleaved like blood stains. Gradually oxidized in air from the surface, covered with a thin film annealing (HgO).
    Contains 85.83% mercury. It crystallizes in the trigonal system.
    Characterized counterparts germination. Cleavage is perfect in one direction. Fragile.
    Soluble only in aqua regia.

  10. Quartz(SiO2)
    Color - white or colorless
    Transparency - transparent
    Hardness - 7
    Glitter - glass
    Color features - white
    Cleavage - imperfect
    Specific Gravity - 2.65 -2.68
    One of the most common minerals in the Earth's crust, rock-forming mineral bolshinstvamagmaticheskih and metamorphic rocks. Free content in the crust of 12%. Included in the other minerals in the form of mixtures and silicates. In total, the mass fraction of quartz in the crust more than 60%. In blood and plasma concentration of silica is 0.001% by weight.

  11. Quartz
    formula SiO2
    Crystal system trigonal
    Color Colorless, white, purple, gray, yellow, brown
    White color features
    Glitter Glass, in solid masses sometimes bold
    hardness of 7
    cleavage is imperfect
    fracture conchoidal
    2,6-2,65 density g / cm ³
    The refractive index of 1.544
    I decided to take a quartz because it is one of the most common minerals in the Earth's crust and as a crystal, quartz is
    used as a semiprecious gem stone.
    Cryptocrystalline forms may also
    be gem stones: agate, jasper, onyx,
    carnelian, chalcedony, etc. Crystalline
    gemvarieties include amethyst,
    citrine, rose quartz, smoky quartz,
    etc. Because of its piezoelectric
    properties quartz is used for pressure
    gauges, oscillators, resonators,
    and wave stabilizers; because of its
    ability to rotate the plane of polarization
    of light and its transparency in
    ultraviolet rays it is used in heat-ray
    lamps, prism, and spectrographic
    lenses. Used in the manufacture of
    glass, paints, abrasives, refractories,
    and precision instruments.

  12. Sorry for the repetition, but I was working, and if I tell you about another mineral.

    1. Chingiz,it's not a problem, you may describe the mineral that you like to describe. Thanks for your work

  13. Malachite:
    Formula Cu2 (CO3) (OH) 2
    Crystal system monoclinic
    color Green
    Color green features of different shades, from turquoise to very dark, depending on the density of
    Gloss Matt, in large quantities - glass, in crystalline form - silky
    transparency is opaque
    Hardness of 3.5 - 4
    Perfect cleavage
    Shelly fracture, splintery
    Density of 3.75 - 3.95 g / cm ³
    Form of separation of malachite in nature to be extremely diverse. Well-formed crystals are rare and always chalk, are columnar, plate, needle form, tend to split to form beams, fluffy balls.

  14. Fluorite
    Chemical Symbol : CaF2
    Color : white, green, blue, purple ; fluorescent light the stone purple rose
    Streak : white, faintly purple
    Transparency : transparent to translucent
    Luster : glassy
    Cleavage : perfect
    Magnetism : not magnetically
    Hardness : 4 ; Stone does not scratch the glass; mineral is brittle and soft
    Specific gravity : 2.6-2.8 ;
    Crystal shape : cubical

    The stone used for the manufacture of medium-sized types of cookware, vases, boxes, as well as jewelry. He is often valued more than gold for its unique qualities and beauty. Fluorite used in optics, in the melting industry and jewelry. When heated in the dark glow.

  15. Topaz is a silicate mineral of aluminium and fluorine with the chemical formula Al2SiO4(F,OH)2. Topaz crystallizes in the orthorhombic system, and its crystals are mostly prismatic terminated by pyramidal and other faces.
    Color Colorless (if no impurities), blue, brown, orange, gray, yellow, green, pink and reddish pink
    Crystal habit Prismatic crystals with faces striated parallel to long dimension; also columnar, compact, massive
    Crystal system Orthorhombic
    Cleavage [001] Perfect
    Fracture Subconchoidal to uneven
    Mohs scale hardness 8 (defining mineral)
    Luster Vitreous
    Streak White
    Diaphaneity Transparent
    Specific gravity 3.49–3.57

  16. Chalcopyrite
    Category Sulfide mineral
    (repeating unit) CuFeS2
    Strunz classification 02.CB.10a
    Crystal symmetry Tetragonal 42m – scalenohedral
    Unit cell a = 5.289 Å, c = 10.423 Å; Z = 4
    Formula mass 183.54
    Color Brass yellow, may have iridescent purplish tarnish.
    Crystal habit Predominantly the disphenoid and resembles a tetrahedron, commonly massive, and sometimes botryoidal.
    Crystal system Tetragonal Scalenohedral 42m
    Twinning Penetration twins
    Cleavage Indistinct on {011}
    Fracture Irregular to uneven
    Tenacity Brittle
    Mohs scale hardness 3.5
    Luster Metallic
    Streak Greenish black
    Diaphaneity Opaque
    Specific gravity 4.1 – 4.3
    Solubility Soluble in HNO3
