Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Mining Words

There are many special words which are used to describe mining methods, machinery, process etc. Theyare called - mining terms. Here we publish the terms and explain them in English. 

For example: 
Deposit - A rock, mineral or gemstone that builds up in the Earth by itself. 


Publish any term used in the materials of this blog and explain it in English. 

Rocks, minerals, gemstones mined with surface mining

The dictionary says that a mineral is:  “a naturally occurring … solid substance having a definite chemical composition and characteristic crystalline structure, color, and hardness.” [American Heritage Dictionary]  This means that minerals are formed by nature and are solid.  They are made up of chemicals that form crystals. They are identified by the characteristics that are in all pieces of the same mineral, no matter where it's found.  Some minerals have just one mineral in them, like gold. 

These are called elements and are on a list called The Periodic Table of Elements

Use these links to read the texts about minerals:

Common minerals and metals: uses and importance
The Earth - nature's storehouse
People and Earth's minerals
Dynamic Earth


Here you should publish the information about the rocks, minerals or gemstones that are mined with surface mining. You should describe the mineral characteristics and your experimental data.

For example:

Mineral characteristics
Mineralogists views
Your conclusions
Chemical Symbol
It has aluminum, beryllium, and oxygen in it. 
Green or red
In sunlight/fluorescent light the stone is green.
In regular light bulb light or candlelight, the stone is red.
When the stone is rubbed on a white plate, it leaves a white dust. If the stone is crushed, this is what color the powder would be.
Transparent to translucent
You can see through some stones and others are blurry to look through.
It shines like glass.
If you break this mineral, it will not split smoothly and evenly.  You can’t break it over and over again and get the same shaped pieces. 
The stone has a smooth, shell-like surface when it is broken.
It will not attract or be attracted to a magnet.
The stone is hard. It will scratch the streak plate that you test it on.  It would also scratch a nail!
Specific gravity
If you held it, this stone would seem a little bit heavier than its size would make you think it would be.
Crystal shape

We start the first topic "Surface Mining"

Surface mining is mining minerals, gemstones and rocks that are close to the surface of the land. There are different ways to do this and the mining company decides which way will cost them less money. The ways to do the surface mining are:

Hydraulic Mining
Mountaintop removal Mining
Open pit Mining
Placer Mining
Strip Mining

Video about the hydraulic mining:

Video about mountaintop removal mining:

Video about open pit mining:

Video about open placer mining:


1. Choose one way of the surface mining (which you are mostly interested in), read the information about it and wach the videos.
2. Answer the following questions:
1. What did hydraulic mining originate out?
2. When and how did the modern form of the hydraulic mining appear?
3. What kind of problems appeared by the widespread use of the hydraulic mining method?
4. What machines are used in mountaintop removal mining?
5. What are the other names for open pit mining
6. What is placer mining frequently used for?
7. Can you write some examples of the types of the rock extracted from quarries?
8. What kind of rock origin can be strip mining applied to? 
Course syllabus

This blog is devoted to such topics as:
1. Surface mining
2. Underground mining
3. Mining machinery
4.Mining and the environment

You will be using this blog to:

- receive the information on the course;
- do the tasks on the course weekly;
- watch the most important videos on the course followed by the tasks;
- read the documents using the links given;
- ask the questons on the course and communicate with your language teacher and group-mates;
- publish the resylts of your research work.

The requirements to the course:

- you should do all the tasks given and publish your answers in the blog;
- you should take part in the discussions and express your point of view on the topic;
- you should be ready to discuss the information given in the blog during your lessons of the English language at the University.

If you have any questions on the course syllabus write to my e-mail: